Thursday, July 14, 2016

Chavez Jr. leaves Wildcard Gym

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. has reportedly stopped training at the Wildcard Gym according to Freddie Roach.

According to Boxing Scene, Freddie Roach claims that Chavez Jr. left training camp to go back home to train.  He was scheduled to fight J'Leon Love on August 27 in California.  It looks like that fight will not be happening now - especially with Chavez not training.

"He had a lot of pressure on him (when training here) and he didn't like it, so he said that he's going to train at home for a while, and I said that's ok.  So I don't think that he's going to fight at this moment.  My next fight after Crawford-Postol will be with my new guy Jesus Cuellar," Roach stated.

"I'm trying to bring back the old guy who never said no to me once in four fights and I haven't found that guy yet.  I do like him as a person and I do want to help him if I can, but there is only so much that I can do.  If he doesn't come here then there is nothing I can do."

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