Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Mike Tyson backs Donald Trump for President

Mike Tyson backs Donald Trump for President

First Tom Brady (kinda) ... now another sports legend is backing Donald Trump -- Mike Tyson ... who says he's sick and tired of the way the country has been run ... "so now let's try something new."

Tyson appeared on HuffPost Live Monday and when asked if he was serious about backing Trump replied, "Yeah, hell yeah. Big time."

Iron Mike says he's tired of the media treating the Trump campaign as a joke -- and says he's part of the majority that passionately wants a change in the White House. 

"We tried Obama, right? Time for a change so we got change. So now let's try something new. Let's run America like a business, where no colors matter. 

Whoever can do the job, gets the job."

"He's the man right now."

When asked what he thought about his comments about Mexicans being rapists and criminals, Tyson responded, "It was really crude, and he needs somebody to work with him on how to deliver his messages and stuff ... but as far as what he did, he's an average guy like everybody else. He needs time to grow too. I don't think he thinks of Latinos in that way."

Article courtesy of TMZ