Saturday, May 2, 2015

Michelle Beadle and Rachel Nichols banned from the fight tonight

Michelle Beadle and Rachel Nichols banned from the fight tonight

Both Michelle Beadle and Rachel Nichols have been banned by the Mayweather camp for tonights Mayweather - Pacquiao fight.

Michelle Beadle posted the following on her twitter page:

I, along with , have been banned from the MGM Grand Arena for the fight tonight by the Mayweather camp.

Rachel Nichols posted the following on her twitter page:

No fight for me or . Mayweather's team told my producer the camp was blocking my credential.

Beadle was allegedly denied a press credential and Rachel Nichols' credential was allegedly  revoked.

However, Kelly Swanson, Floyd's publicist took to her twitter account to refute the story that the Mayweather camp had banned anyone.

No one including ME banned from covering the fight. She is already credentialed.

And isn't even on the press list. She's credentialed through . Yes credentialed. #Fact#2

Rachel Nichols pounded Floyd Mayweather with domestic violence questions last year in an interview.  You can read the interview below.

RN: Okay, you are someone with a history of domestic violence yourself. You have even been to jail for it, why should fans root for you with this kind of history?

FM: Everything has been allegations. Nothing has been proven. So, you know that's life.

RN: The incident you went to jail for the mother of your three children did show some bruises, a concussion when she went to the hospital, it was your own kids who called the police, gave them a detailed description of the abuse, there has been documentation?

FM: Uh-huh. Once again, no pictures. Just hearsay and allegations. And I signed a plea-bargain. Once again, not true.

RN: But the website Deadspin detailed seven physical assaults on five women that resulted in arrest or citation, are we supposed to believe all the women are lying including the incidents when there were witnesses like your own kids?

FM:  Everybody actually, everybody is entitled to their own opinion. When it is all said and done, only God can judge me.

RN:  We have seen, the public wants domestic abuse in the country addressed would you consider donating any of the $30 million that you will make this weekend to an organization that educates against abuse?

FM:  This weekend, what I will do with that millions and millions of dollars be saved for my children because my children are who I love and that's who i care about.

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