Sunday, April 19, 2015

Chavez Jr. vs. Fonfara - "Stop the fight, I'm done."

Chavez Jr. vs. Fonfara - "Stop the fight, I'm done."

Andrzej Fonfara won just about every round of this fight, it wasn't even close.  From the outset, you could see that Fonfara was just stronger.  He also appeared to be the better boxer, just using better technique.  Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. looked awful in every phase of this fight - footwork, punching, movement.  

Chavez Jr. was getting out punched in every round of the fight.  He was caught with a big hook that put him down for the first time in his career.  Chavez got up around and was still wobbly.  He started punching and tried to do some body work, but it was too little too late.  The ninth round ended with another round in the bank for Fonfara.

Chavez Jr. went back to the corner and stated the following:  "Stop the fight, I'm done."  Chavez Jr. claimed it was his leg that was bothering him.  Whether his leg was bothering him or Fonfara's punches, it was surprising to see Chavez Jr. quit the fight like that.

In the post fight interview, Chavez Jr. told said he thought he was winning the fight at the time of the stoppage.  Wow.  

What was more shocking than Chavez Jr. quitting was the crowd afterward.  People were throwing debris and drinks everywhere.  Obvisously displease that Chavez Jr. had lost the fight.  Just a very classless display by the crowd.  

After the fight Fonfara called out Adonis Stevenson for a rematch, and I think that's a fight that will definitely happen next.

Amir Imam also won his fight over Walter Castillo.  Imam looked really good, working off his jab for most of the fight.  Castillo kept a lot of pressure on Imam, but the pressure wasn't very effective.  Imam's next fight, I would think he would be stepping up in class to test himself.

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