Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Eat like a champion - Anthony Joshua tells you how

Do you like to look good or is your body all for practical use?

Practical use. We all developed through our parents and our parents' parents and so forth so it's just genetically how I am. It's important to feel good - I wouldn't say look good because it's not a physique competition. It's a fight.

You have to feel good and be ready to box. If you feel good with how you look, regardless of what physique you are, as long as you win then you've ticked that box.

What did you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner yesterday?

Egg, rice, chicken, avocado, bread, a fruit juice...

All just for breakfast?

Yes. Then for lunch it was salmon, rice, noodles and vegetables. 

How about dinner?

Dinner was a dish called pounded yam, stew, okra and some meat... Then again, I had rice, salmon and noodles.

So you have four meals a day?

I don't really count them. I just eat when I'm hungry, really. I just eat clean whenever I feel hungry.

What about what you drink? Do you allow yourself tea or coffee?

I drink coffee but only if I'm really tired before gym.

What's your favourite meal during camp?

Something simple like chicken and steak with some mashed potato and vegetables.

What about the food you treat yourself with outside of camp?

There's nothing really. Maybe some takeaway food - any takeaway food is good food but I probably allow myself to have more of the sweet stuff and oily stuff.

What's your secret weapon of a food?

My one is pounded yam. It just keeps you strong. It's a dense form of mash potato. If you eat that enough and you train then it's a big carb load.

Which foods do you have to give up as soon as camp starts?

Apple crumble is the main one. I love my apple crumble and my custard. Ice creams, too - Mars and Maltesers ice creams. I have to stop all that when I start training.

Article courtesy of SKY Sports

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